Top 5 Advantages and disadvantages of Responsive Website design

You might have received bad reviews about the Responsive Website design but believe us this designing technique is really good enough to make your website look and feel on small screen almost similar to the desktop screen.

Responsive Website Design is basically related to developing a website that can be accessed from any device using the same URL address. These responsive websites displays the same quality of content on all devices and ensures that no compromise is made on the content quality throughout, irrespective of the view and the size of the device. In other words, we can say that the content remains the same, but it rearranges itself to change according to the device. The Responsive website design runs on the client-side so that the browser can download the entire web page, and modify its size according to the screen.

This doesn’t mean that every website should be converted to a responsive website.  There are many advantages and disadvantages of this method, and you should carefully design your website according to your needs and requirements.

Responsive design

Advantages of a Responsive Website design:

  1. Gives your website a Higher ranking (SEO)

The designing of your Responsive website gives higher ranking to your site while searching any content via search engines like Google.It is the main reason why most of the people switch to the Responsive website.

       2. Generate profits and more Sales

More traffic means more profits and sales and a responsive website design convert this traffic into sales.

    3. Brings a Great Experience for the user

When you create your responsive website, your web page content will witness an increase in potential visitors giving more sales and profits for your company.

  4. Tracking users become easy

Responsive web design saves your time, money and energy and helps a user to track his visitors faster.

  5. Saves Money

This amazing design technique can increase your business.

Disadvantages of a Responsive Website design:

  1. Navigation becomes tough

Navigation quality on the mobile device small screen is different from what we see on the large desktop screen.

  2. Takes longer time

The Responsive website takes a longer time to download on the small screen.

  3. Gives Bad User Experience

Generally, the responsive website takes more time to flash the data on-screen, and the user has to wait for getting the information on time. This irritates the user by giving bad browsing experience. A single second wait will cost you loss of around 25% visitors, and you can’t afford such kind of losses in your business.

  4. Consumes a lot of time in development

Designing normal website is quite easy and consumes less time as compared to the Responsive website design.

  5. An old browser does not meet the media queries requirements

A responsive website will operate as per the media queries that give information about the screen size it is being viewed on. Many older browsers do not support such media queries.

7 Replies to “Top 5 Advantages and disadvantages of Responsive Website design”

  1. Important things to consider
    When designer took two steps indicated above, they have to focus on a few small steps that are important nevertheless. Considering all of them, web designers will be able to provide a customer with a good product and all advantages of responsive web design.

  2. Making changes to your site so it’ll wind up responsive can be an exorbitant arrangement. That is, on account of it needs to completely redo the front-end code-base of a site. Normally, planning distinctive sites for partitioned gadgets isn’t really modest either

  3. Hello, pretty good article. I have one IT Services website. I am Confusing about creating website pages. how to choose IT Services website themes?

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